Evaluating Female Infertility - Nex the best IVF center in Patna

Nex IVF and Fertility center, situated at Ashiana-Digha road in Patna considers evaluating the prognosis for your reproductive issues as the most important factor when considering the assisted reproductive technologies to consider for assisting with resolving the various reproductive issues. The infertility evaluation includes an assessment of both the female and male partner to discern the factors contributing to their difficulty of conceiving. Careful evaluation to protect the health of both mother and her child makes us one of the best fertility clinics in Patna.


Basic Evaluation: The basic evaluation of female factor includes;

  • Careful history
  • Physical examination
  • Investigation of four factors required from the female partner —
    • Ovarian factor
    • Uterine factor
    • Tubal factor
    • Peritoneal factor

Role of Amenorrhea in Female Fertility


Definition: Amenorrhea is defined as the absence of menses in women of reproductive age. It is classified as primary and secondary amenorrhea.


Primary Amenorrhea: As an absence of secondary sexual characteristics by age of 14 with no menarche or normal secondary sexual characteristics but no menarche by 16 years of age.


Evaluation Methodology: The first step is physical examination to look for presence of secondary sexual characteristics and pelvic ultrasonography (USG) to look for pelvic organ anatomy.


Secondary Amenorrhea: Women who have experienced menstruation once or more in their lifetime and are experiencing amenorrhea for more than 3 months.


Evaluation Methodology: In a patient of secondary amenorrhea, we foremost advise her for urine pregnancy rate to rule out pregnancy.


Ovarian Factor: Evaluation


OF the four factors contributing to conception in the female partner (ovary, tube, uterus and pelvic factors), the female gonad — ovary plays a key role as it stores all oocytes required for fertility. The ovary can cause infertility in the women on three fronts—

  1. Reduction in the number of of oogonia and their quality— diminished ovarian reserve,
  2. Ovulatory dysfunction — inability of the ovary to respond to hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian (HPO) axis and failure of ovulation,
  3. Ovarian tumors— cysts or masses hampering functionality of the ovary.


Ovarian Reserve Testing


Unlike men, women are born with a fixed number of gametes (oocytes) that keep depleting with age. Ovarian reserve is an estimate of the total number oocytes in both the ovaries at the given age. 


Of the various stages of oocyte development [primordial follicles, primary follicles, antral follicles (AFs)], only the secondary follicles, preantral follicles, and AFs are responsive to gonadotropin stimulation.


Hence based on their ovarian reserve, women can be classified as normal responders, hyper-responders, and poor responders.


Decline in the number of follicles below a threshold level leads to

  • Irregular cycles,
  • Poor reproductive outcome, and
  • Ultimately menopause


Understanding the main causes for your fertility health enables streamlining the precautions and lifestyle changes required for a better reproductive chances. Making sure your visit to our clinic resolves all the doubts in your mind makes Nex IVF one of the best fertility center in Patna


Role of Ultrasonography in Fertility


Ultrasonography (USG) is the basic and most preferred method of evaluation of the uterine factor (endometrial/myometrial/serosal). Multiple parameters of endometrium can be evaluated to assess the probability of pregnancy. 


Ultrasonography (USG) is the most commonly used instrument useful for both diagnostic and therapeutic purposes in assisted reproductive technique (ART). The use of ultrasonography in reproductive medicine is so common that it is often dubbed as the stethoscope of fertility experts. 


Main Function of USG: Monitoring the response to controlled ovarian stimulation , helps in deciding a change of protocol and accurate timing of the procedures like intrauterine insemination (IUI) or oocyte pickup (OPU).


Monitoring for proper evaluation is crucial since it lets your fertility expert know exactly what is required for a successful cycle of IVF procedure. Being diligent in such an approach makes us one of the best IVF center in Patna.

Endoscopy in Reproductive Surgery


Laparoscopy: Role in Infertility


Laparoscopy offers the unique opportunity to diagnose and treat in the same sitting. It is considered the gold standard for evaluation of tubal and pelvic factors.


Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) — Laparoscopic ovarian drilling is considered the second-line treatment to maximum dose of ovulation inducing agents. Gonadotropins and laparoscopic ovarian drilling (LOD) are both equally effective second-line agents.


However, LOD has the advantage of 

  • Generating unifolliculogenesis, 
  • Reducing the risk of multiple pregnancy, 
  • Does not require intensive follicular monitoring, 
  • Lesser incidence of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS), and 
  • Higher chances of spontaneous pregnancy within the first 6 months of therapy.


Hysteroscopy: Role in Infertility


Structural defects in the endometrial cavity of the uterus can affect the reproductive outcome negatively, by interfering with the implantation potential of the embryo or increase the possibility of spontaneous pregnancy losses. 


Indications of hysteroscopy — Endometrial cavity may be evaluated using noninvasive modalities like hysterosalpingography (HSG), two-dimensional (2D) or three-dimensional (3D) transvaginal sonography (TVS), sonohysterography (SHG), minimally invasive techniques like office hysteroscopy and invasive techniques like hysteroscopy. 

Proper evaluation and its subsequent testing enables complete dissemination of the issue at hand, then and then only the correct techniques can be applied for safeguarding your reproductive health. Visit us at Nex Fertility Center in Patna, and we make sure our best IVF center in Patna takes care of your reproductive issues leaving zero doubts in your mind.

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